
One Goal - Many Voices. Writing with 2030 in mind, representatives of civil society organizations, experts from science and research, business partners and individuals who are particularly committed to the issue are active in the fight against hunger. The exchange of ideas regarding the magazine's main focus is on the diversity of the participants.


Sara Worku

Sara Worku is a development professional with 15 years of experience. She has been Coordinator of Alliance2015-Ethiopia since 2019.  Sara Worku’s role involves providing strategic intelligence and steering, facilitation, coordination, representation and advocacy competencies to Alliance2015 members.

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Hussein Tadicha Wario

Hussein Tadicha Wario, a son of Borana pastoralists from northern Kenya, is the current Executive Director of the Center for Research and Development in Drylands.

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James Wanzala

James Wanzala has studied at the Multimedia University Kenya and has been working for nine years as reporter for the Standard group PLC. He is mainly covering stories related to business ventures that are environment-friendly and have successful business models. These stories have brought Mr Wanzala to different parts of the world, including Russia, the Netherlands and Germany.

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Saskia Widenhorn

Saskia Widenhorn is the head of the Cameroon cotton component and the Sub-Saharan Cotton Initiative of the GIZ Global Project "Sustainability and Value Chain in Agricultural Supply Chains" (GV AgriChains). Previously, she worked on sustainability in global supply chains at the International Labor Organization (ILO), the social enterprise Fairphone, and GIZ in Myanmar and Cambodia.

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Marthe Wandou

The gender and peace activist Marthe Wandou has been committed to preventing and combating sexualised violence against girls and women since the 1990s.

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Kah Walla

Kah Walla is an activist, entrepreneur and politician from Cameroon. She is the founder and CEO of the international consulting firm STRATEGIES! and President of the Cameroon Gender and Development Network. She also founded the civil movement Cameroon Ô'Bosso. The network supports local civil organisations in representing their interests and being an active part of the development and implementation of national laws.

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World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)

The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the largest and most experienced nature conservation organizations in the world and active in more than 100 countries. Around the world, around five million are supporting the WWF.

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Björn Willms

Björn Willms is communications advisor for the ‚Initiative for sustainable agricultural supply chains’ (INA) of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). Furthermore, he i spart of the secretariat of the ‚partnership for sustainable orange juice‘ (PANAO). Willms coordinates the working group ‚communications and fair trade‘ (AG Kommunikation Fairer Handel), initiated in 2020. Thus did he and his colleagues develop the joint communiqué #ichwillfair, promoting it successfully.

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Claudia Witkowski

Claudia Witkowski is an Advisor in the GIZ Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector project in Zambia where she focuses on the development and impact evaluation of agricultural value chains.

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Christel Weller-Molongua

Christel Weller-Molongua has been leading the Rural Development and Agriculture Division at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Bonn since 2013. After studying geography with a focus on agricultural geography at the University of Trier she completed her post-graduate studies at the Center of International Rural Development of the Humboldt University in Berlin. She started her career with GIZ in Niger in 1989. This was followed by 14 years of project management and implementation in various African countries.

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Miriam Wiemers

Miriam Wiemers is the leading expert for the World Hunger Index in the Policy and External Relations team.

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(c) Privat
Lennart Woltering, Skalierungsberater bei der Forschungseinrichtung CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center)

Lennart Woltering

As a scaling catalyst at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Lennart Woltering helps scientists and development practitioners scale the impact of their work beyond the project boundaries. He advocates for a shift in mindset around scaling from “reaching many” to include sustainability, responsibility and systems change. Passionate about translating academic research findings into practical application, he developed the Scaling Scan tool that helps users quickly identify bottlenecks and opportunities for scaling. Beyond CIMMYT and the CGIAR, Lennart advises a range of development organizations, alliances and donors on scaling strategies.

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Miriam Wiemers

Miriam Wiemers is a consultant for the World Hunger Index in the Politics and External Relations team

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(c) SWP
Dr. Annette Weber ist Senior Fellow der Forschungsgruppe Naher/Mittlerer Osten und Afrika der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin

Dr. Annette Weber

Dr. Annette Weber is Senior Fellow in the Middle East and Africa Research Division of the German Institute for International and Security Studies (SWP) in Berlin. Her regional expertise is in the Horn of Africa, she works on conflict analysis, fragile states, non-state-actors and state building as well as Jihadist groups in Africa. Her current focus is mainly on the situation in Sudan, South Sudan and Somalia. She is involved in the mediation effort of the national Dialogue between government and armed and unarmed opposition in Sudan. As a senior advisor for the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue she is advising on conflict resolutions throughout the Horn of Africa.

Dr. Weber had a two year residency in Ethiopia 2010-2012 with in depth research in the Horn of Africa. From 2012 she was head of department at SWP. She writes extensively and advises the Bundestag and the German administration on these issues. Previously she worked as a coordinator for the Ecumenical Network on Central Africa mainly on the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. Annette Weber was researcher with amnesty international in London for Sudan and worked as a consultant for Human Rights Watch and amnesty international on Sudan and Uganda. She received her PhD from the Free University Berlin and teaches at several Universities on international relations and peace and conflict resolution.

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(c) Kerstin Weber / WWF

Kerstin Weber

To change the world with small steps. Kerstin Weber and her team at WWF work every day in the field of sustainable food and agriculture. A core area that often gets lost in everyday life is the massive waste of food, which is still far too great in Germany. After all, each of our consumption decisions has an impact on nature and resources. She wants to create this awareness for reflected consumption. Every step counts!


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(c) Dennis Williamson

Michael Windfuhr

After studying political science, German language and literature and geography, Michael Windfuhr helped to set up the international human rights organization FIAN for over two decades and later worked as its Secretary General. In 2006, he became Human Rights Director at Bread for the World and the Diakonisches Werk. Since 2011, he has been Deputy Director of the German Institute for Human Rights, Germany's national human rights institution.

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(c) Dennis Williamson

Christine Wieck

Prof. Dr. Christine Wieck has been teaching and researching at the University of Hohenheim since February 2018, where she heads the Department of Agricultural and Nutrition Policy. She is a member of the Task Force Rural Africa, an independent expert group of the European Union. Previously, she spent two and a half years working as a political consultant for the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).

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Jes Weigelt

Jes Weigelt is Head of Programmes at TMG Research gGmbH, the research wing of TMG. Töpfer, Müller, Gassner. ThinkTank for Sustainability. He tweets at @jes_tmg.


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Porträt Tilman Wörtz, Journalist bei der Agentur Zeitenspiegel

Tilman Wörtz

Tilman Wörtz studied politics and economics in Erlangen, Paris and Mexico City. Since 2000 he has been working as a reporter for Zeitenspiegel Reportagen. He is interested in the economic and political development of countries in crisis.

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Jenny Walther-Thoß

Since April 2013, Jenny Walther-Thoß has been responsible at the WWF for sustainable biomass use, i.e. the energetic, material and technical use of biomass. After studying agricultural sciences in Berlin, she started working as a freelance auditor in the field of bio-control and as a research assistant (focus on regional development) in the FG Resource Economy at HU.

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