Desiree Dietvorst

(c) Dennis Williamson

Desiree Dietvorst, freelance consultant. As Socio-economic Advisor, she helped stakeholders identify their opportunities and responsibilities in an increasingly liberalised market economy. As a consultant she supported the development and strengthening of CBOs, Producers’ and Traders’ Associations and local NGOs as well as promoting the cooperation between actors in the public, private, community and NGO sectors. 

Specialisation: Policy advice to national programmes (sector programmes, sector wide approaches and poverty reduction strategies); Capacity-building for NGOs and CBOs, especially farmers’ unions and producer- and trader-associations; Participatory Approaches; Socio-economics in rural development (esp. livestock production systems.



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By Desiree Dietvorst

Agricultural advisory work focuses on private businesses and the state. And even though these have different focuses, they can learn from each other – and they should!