Articles tagged "Wissenschaft und Forschung"


SDG 14 – Living aquatic resources as part of the food system

SDG 14 – Living aquatic resources as part of the food system

Life below water – that’s the title of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 14. The aim is to protect this life and its unique ecosystems through the sustainable use of the oceans and their resources. Having healthy oceans, as well as seas and rivers, is fundamental to the livelihoods and balanced diets of millions of people who rely on fish and other aquatic foodstuffs. A stocktacking by Julian Münster, GIZ.

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SDG 15 – Eating up life on land

SDG 15 – Eating up life on land

Often people and policy makers look at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) one at a time, but they can’t be addressed individually because they are intimately connected to one another. This means that we need systemic solutions that address several SDGs at the same time. Nowhere is this more evident than in consideration of SDG15 – life on land, in relation to SDG2 - zero hunger. Dr. Fergus Sinclair, Chief Scientist at CIFOR-ICRAF (Center for International Forest Research – World Agroforestry), gives a review.

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