World Vision

World Vision Germany is an Evangelical Christian humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy organization.


In 2015 World Vision  implemented 300 projects in 50 countries. World Vision Germany is part of World Vision network in almost 1000 countries. World Vision has partnerships with the World Health Organization, UNICEF and closely works with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugess (UNHCR). World Vision Deutschland is a member of "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" and Gemeinsam für Afrika".

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Where in the Ethiopian Tigray just a few years ago only parched soil and sand could be seen, grass is growing again. Previously, the inhabitants fled from famines. Today farmers use the valley for the cultivation of grain or vegetables - and have new prospects.

A project of World Vision

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Authors of this organisation

Sue Cant

Sue Cant

Sue Cant provides technical advisory for World Vision’s social accountability programs, now scaled to 715 sites across 47 countries. Sue has more than 12 years experience working in policy, programming and sub-national governance in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. She has previously worked as a democratic governance adviser on an Australian Government program in Papua New Guinea and as an M&E specialist. She holds a Master in Evaluation of social accountability interventions from the University of Melbourne, Australia.

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Iris Manner

Iris Manner

Iris Manner is a media consultant at World Vision Germany. Frequent trips to Kenya have influenced her and she is therefore very interested in environmental and nature conservation as well as children’s and women's rights.

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