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Women make the difference. The potential of women to drive rural development is enormous. Despite of all the progress that has been made, women’s capabilities remain underutilized. We want to change that! And we want to learn from seven women who are transforming their villages, their provinces, their countries. Women who are bringing about lasting change. The real “game changers”.
A change in the fight against world hunger Is only possible with united forces. Therefore, the contribution of women in agriculture is of enormous importance. Women are still disadvantaged in many respects, particularly in terms of access to resources and public services and participation in decision-making processes. The prize is intended to show how important it is for sustainable development and the eradication of world hunger that women in agriculture are able to fully realize their potential and to evolve. The inspiring success stories of the prize winners are currently being told in a multimedia exhibition in sound and vision.
SDG2 (No Hunger) and SGD5 (Gender Equality) are very closely linked. Particularly in rural areas, women are key to the achievement of sustainable development and play a central role in bringing about economic, ecological and social change. The empowerment of women is of huge importance for the wellbeing and prosperity not only of individuals but also of families and rural communities and their food security. According to the estimates of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), up to 150 million people worldwide could be saved from hunger, if women in agriculture in developing countries had the same resources and possibilities at their disposal as men. If we support the promotion of women in agriculture, our efforts in rural development could have better chances of achieving sustainable impacts.
As gardeners, entrepreneurs, founders and presidents of farmers' organizations, the seven award winners have initiated major changes in their villages and their wider sphere. They have improved the food supply, found local solutions to the challenges of climate change, built value chains and created new income opportunities of which local people benefit - in doing so, they have been outstanding in initiating change and bringing about a transformation that has improved the living conditions of many. The seven winners will each receive a sponsorship for further education and training measures worth EUR 1,500.
"With this award we honor courageous rural women who have changed the traditional rules of their society and who, despite great resistance, show that women are essential for sustainable development and societal progress",
Dr. Maria Flachsbarth, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) about „Game Changers – Women in Agriculture“
During the past few months, the "Game Changers - Women in Agriculture" process has taken place in several exciting stages. From the call to nominations in spring and the jury decision in summer to the announcement of the seven award winners in fall and to the launch of the multimedia exhibition in winter:
Submission deadline for nominations
Decision of the jury
Announcement of the award winners
The BMZ initiated the award in spring 2020 to highlight the potential of women for rural development as well as their importance for achieving SDG2 - ending hunger and malnutrition. 13 international partner organizations of the special initiative ONE WORLD - No Hunger followed the call and nominated 48 women from 16 countries.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) has been commissioned by BMZ with the implementation and coordination of the initiative.
Materials for social media and press work are available for download here.
For further information, please contact the Sector Project Sustainable Rural Areas, Contact person: Dorothea Hohengarten.