Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is a globally active provider of international cooperation for sustainable development. It has more than 50 years of experience in a wide range of fields: from business and employment promotion, through energy and environmental issues, to the promotion of peace and security. GIZ is a company owned by the Federal Republic of Germany. Its diverse expertise is in demand around the globe: from the German government, from institutions of the European Union, from the United Nations and from the governments of other countries. Its main client is the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) [Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development]. The GIZ cooperates with the private sector and thus contributes to the successful interplay between development policy and external economic activity. GIZ is based in Bonn and Eschborn. Of the more than 17,000 employees in more than 130 countries, 70 percent are recruited locally. As a recognized sponsor of the Development Service, the GIZ currently deploys a total of 730 development workers and development workers. The GIZ also runs the "Center for International Migration and Development" (CIM) together with the Federal Agency for Labor. In 2015, CIM mediated nearly 1000 skilled workers to employers in the GIZ employment countries, supported them financially and through consultancy and services.

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Land Rights for Secure Livelihoods: My Land is My Life

Land Rights for Secure Livelihoods: My Land is My Life

Three quarters of the world's population do not have secure land rights, which hinders investment and innovation. The project "Improvement of Livelihood and Food Security" supports smallholder farmers in acquiring land.

A project of GIZ

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Youth Employment in Rural Areas

Youth Employment in Rural Areas

The world’s population keeps on growing; with this rise comes an increased need for food as well as productive employment opportunities. Offering young people in rural areas better employment prospects is one of the objectives of the sector project. The young population is the key to a modern and efficient agricultural economy.

A project of GIZ

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Sustainable Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Rural Areas

Sustainable Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Rural Areas

Fish is important for combating malnutrition and undernourishment. But it is not only notable for its nutritional value, but also secures the livelihoods and employment for 600 million people worldwide.

A Project of GIZ

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Resilience in times of crisis

Resilience in times of crisis

Yemen is currently experiencing one of the worst disasters, due to war, hunger and disease outbreaks. The GIZ is locally engaged to improve the nutrition and resilience of Yemenites.

A project of GIZ

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With the help of sustainable farming methods, soils can be preserved and made fertile again. The investment required is also worthwhile from a financial perspective.

A project of GIZ

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Sustainable use and restoration of forests

Sustainable use and restoration of forests

Forests make an important contribution to food security and income generation of local populations. Around 30 percent of the world's forests have already been cleared and another 20 percent are showing signs of degradation (WRI). The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit supports partner countries in the restoration of forest landscapes and good governance in the forest sector.

A GIZ project

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Food Security and Enhanced Resilience

Food Security and Enhanced Resilience

690 million people in the world suffer from hunger, about two billion are chronically malnourished. Conflicts, crises and climate change exacerbate the problem, particularly for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) therefore works to improve food security and resilience.

A GIZ project

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Responsible Land Policy

Responsible Land Policy

The Global Programme Responsible Land Policy seeks to create the conditions for sustainable development and food security through secure and fair land use and land ownership rights as well as responsible land use.

A GIZ project

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Promoting agricultural innovations: 1,000 ideas for a world without hunger

Promoting agricultural innovations: 1,000 ideas for a world without hunger

On behalf of the BMZ, the Agricultural Innovation Fund published the call for the "Innovation Challenge 2020". The aim of the competition is to find and promote innovative local ideas in the GIZ partner countries that contribute to making the agricultural sector more efficient and sustainable along the entire value chain.

A GIZ project

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Let it spread: Silicon Valley for Africa?

Let it spread: Silicon Valley for Africa?

Digital production centres create pull effects on many and different levels - they contain a lot of potentials. This is SAIS: It aims to use this to make innovative solutions from start-ups more widespread. 

A GIZ project

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Weak land governance and insecure land rights are still major development challenges for Africa. The global program to strengthen land governance in Africa aims to strengthen marginalized groups.

A project of GIZ

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Potatoes are staple foods in Kenza. Raising their profit is an important contribution to prevent malnutrition. 

A Projct of GIZ

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Securing the food supply requires a holistic approach. That's why mango and papaya will be on the menu in Malawi.

A Project of GIZ

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For Kenyan small farmers, the harvest yields little more than they need for themselves. How the orange sweet potato can change the life of an entire region.

A Project of GIZ

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How to: In Benin, farmers are opening factories now that they have learned what an entrepreneur needs to know.

A project of GIZ

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Cambodians eat too much rice. GIZ is joining with farmers to form multi-purpose farms, as well as advising health care centers on nutritional questions.

A project of GIZ

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About 60 percent of the cocoa processed in Germany comes from the Ivory Coast. It is grown by 800,000 cocoa farmers, who typically only own up to five hectares of land.

A project in cooperation with the GIZ

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The farmers in Malawi have long been holding on to the cultivation of tobacco - which led to a dangerous dependency.

A Project of GIZ

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In the Ethiopian highlands, much of the soil is exhausted. New fertilizers and improved seed are making it fertile again.  

A Project of GIZ

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Uprooting the Norm

Uprooting the Norm

A Contribution by GIZ

As a passionate social scientist and entrepreneur from Malawi, Ngabaghila Chatata knows that she can overcome any challenge. Her story stands out in a country faced with high unemployment, particularly in its rural areas. As the managing director of Thanthwe Farms, she has set out to inspire the next generation of young agripreneurs – proving that successful business starts with the right mindset, not only capital.

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A Call to Action against Desertification

A Call to Action against Desertification

A contribution by GIZ

Every second, worldwide, we lose valuable and healthy soil with the size of four football fields. This was only one of the many facts being presented to a wide audience in Bonn and worldwide via livestream at the World Desertification and Drought Day on 17th June 2024. This was the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on Combatting Desertification (UNCCD), which was celebrated at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn.

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Climate Resilience in the Apple Value Chain

Climate Resilience in the Apple Value Chain

A Contribution by Puneet Bansal

In Himachal Pradesh, India, natural disasters are becoming more frequent and climatic conditions are changing – with negative consequences for apple production and farmers' livelihoods. Holistic and multidimensional innovation bundles are required for the entire value chain in order to make the food system more resilient in the future.

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African countries decide to tackle soil health challenges

African countries decide to tackle soil health challenges

A Contribution by GIZ

At the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit (AFSH), organized by the African Union (AU) and the Government of Kenya in May, the Nairobi Declaration was adopted. It aims to triple domestic production of organic and inorganic fertilizers by 2034 and to improve access and affordability for smallholder farmers. GIZ reviews the Summit.

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Together for food security in Zambia

Together for food security in Zambia

A Contribution by Claudia Jordan (GIZ)

The Agriculture and Food Security Cluster of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Zambia shows how synergies among different projects and partner organisations can help people to eat healthier, diversified food. A delegation of the Bonn based Division of Agriculture and Rural Development learned this in a field visit in the Eastern Province of the Southern African country.

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Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for the African livestock sector

Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for the African livestock sector

A Contribution by ILRI and GIZ

The production of animal-source foods is becoming increasingly difficult due to the impact of climate change on the livestock sector in Africa. Though, Livestock make a crucial contribution to food security in Africa. Three papers by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ, ILRI and World Bank analyze, how Africas future livestock sector can look like.

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The Rice Sector in West Africa: A Political Challenge

The Rice Sector in West Africa: A Political Challenge

New insights on trade and value addition in the rice sector in West Africa

Low import tariffs, smuggling activities, unpredictable tax exemptions and weak enforcement of food safety standards: The potential of local rice value chains is undermined in West African countries.

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Fair Trade and Climate Justice: Everything is Conntected

Fair Trade and Climate Justice: Everything is Conntected

A Contribution of the 'Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains' (INA)

Fair Trade organisations and the Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains (INA) have launched the #ichwillfair campaign during COP26 to highlight the link between global supply chains and climate change.

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Côte d’Ivoire: Sweet Temptation without a Bitter Taste

Côte d’Ivoire: Sweet Temptation without a Bitter Taste

A Story by GIZ

Until Easter 2022, GIZ publishes a new episode every fortnight introducing people who are committed to fair and sustainable cocoa in Côte d'Ivoire and Germany.

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The Black Sea Breadbasket in Crisis: Facts and Figures

The Black Sea Breadbasket in Crisis: Facts and Figures

An infographic by ONEWORLD no Hunger

Rising food and gas prices, physical destruction and supply chain disruptions: Why the Black Sea region matters and how the war in Ukraine affects global food security.

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How the War against Ukraine Destabilizes Global Grain Markets

How the War against Ukraine Destabilizes Global Grain Markets

A Contribution by GIZ

Since early February 2022, two of the biggest grain and oilseed exporters have been at war. An overview, which countries are affected most severely by the destabilized grain markets, and what comes next.

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Five tips to reduce food waste

Five tips to reduce food waste

A listicle against food waste

Whether it's banana bread made from brown bananas, conscious shopping plans or foodsharing, we give you five tips on how to reduce your everyday food waste.

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Innovation Challenge Finals

Innovation Challenge Finals

An event organised by GIZ on behalf of BMZ

The finals of the Innovation Challenge “Advisory for Agroecology” took place on 17 May - 2022 featuring six innovations in advisory that provided the basis for a discussion on how to bridge the gap between science and practice.

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Digitalization: The Driving Force in the Future of Agriculture?

Digitalization: The Driving Force in the Future of Agriculture?

A Contribution by GIZ

At the ICTforAg conference in March 2022, the digital agriculture community exchanged on the challenges and opportunities associated with the next green revolution.

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How to Enhance Soil Organic Carbon – Uniting Traditional and Innovative Practices

How to Enhance Soil Organic Carbon – Uniting Traditional and Innovative Practices

A Contribution by GIZ

Indian farmers restore precious soil material combining traditional with innovative approaches. A case example how governance, agriculture and development cooperation can work together to combat climate change.

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Côte d’Ivoire: The Future Starts With Food

Côte d’Ivoire: The Future Starts With Food

A Contribution by GIZ

How nutrition trainer Edwige helps cocoa farmers in Côte d’Ivoire to prepare for a healthier future.

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African Nutrition - 'Try It at Home'!

African Nutrition - 'Try It at Home'!

A Video Series by Agribusiness TV and GIZ

Share in the taste of African Nutrition – Try it at home! The mini-series showcases traditional, nutritious dishes across the African continent.

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Together towards Sustainable Development: Private Sector Cooperation

Together towards Sustainable Development: Private Sector Cooperation

A Multimedia-Toolbox by GIZ

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through responsible investments in the agri-food sector of emerging countries.

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Successful Blueprints for African Agriculture

Successful Blueprints for African Agriculture

A Contribution by GIZ

At the 8th German-African Agribusiness Forum (GAAF) representatives from business and politics discussed successful investment models to improve living conditions in Africa.

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Cooperation and Effective Incentives for Sustainable Land Use

Cooperation and Effective Incentives for Sustainable Land Use

A Contribution by GIZ

The second GFFA expert panel highlights the need for governance action to reverse global trends of land degradation.

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ICTforAg 2022: Conference

ICTforAg 2022: Conference

An Initiative by GIZ Fond i4Ag

In March 2022, the virtual conference ICTforAg summons leading actors in the agrartechnology and food sector from low- and middle-income countries to exchange ideas advancing resilience, nutrition and agriculture-led growth.

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Innovate2030: Digital Ideas against Urban Climate Change

Innovate2030: Digital Ideas against Urban Climate Change

A Call by BMZ and Partners

Innovate2030 is looking for creative people from around the world to develop smart and innovative solutions against climate change in cities. Initiated by the Make IT-Alliance.

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City, Country, Sea: 6 Innovations in the Fight Against Climate Change

City, Country, Sea: 6 Innovations in the Fight Against Climate Change

A listicle for climate-neutral agriculture

Vertically growing plants, magnetic cotton. Hairy leftovers fertilizing fields, tractors running on algae? These six innovations could lead agriculture’s next Green Revolution!

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A Climate of Hunger: How the Climate Crisis Fuels the Hunger

A Climate of Hunger: How the Climate Crisis Fuels the Hunger

A photo reportage by the Zeitenspiegel agency

Every one degree Celsius rise in temperature increases the risk of conflict by two to ten percent. The climate crisis is a humanitarian crisis, as the photos by Christoph Püschner and Frank Schultze illustrate.

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From lost products to safe food - Innovations from Zambia

From lost products to safe food - Innovations from Zambia

A contribution by GIZ

In Zambia, innovative approaches are used to address the problem of post-harvest losses in the groundnut value chain. GIZ's Rapid Loss Appraisal Tool (RLAT) can help to develop more such approaches.

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How can the private sector prevent food loss and waste?

How can the private sector prevent food loss and waste?

An interview with David Brand (GIZ)

From a circular food system in Rwanda to functioning cooled transports in Kenya: The lab of tomorrow addresses development challenges such as preventing food loss and waste

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From Berlin to Yen Bai: 10,000 trees for Vietnam

From Berlin to Yen Bai: 10,000 trees for Vietnam

A contribution by GIZ and BMZ

It began with clicks at a trade fair and ends with concrete reforestation: a campaign at the Green Week in Berlin is now enriching the forests of the Yen Bai Province in Vietnam. A chronicle of an education about climatic relevance to concrete action - and about the short distances on our planet.

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The 'Grey Gold'

The 'Grey Gold'

A contribution by Maria Schmidt (GIZ)

The Cashew Council is the first international organisation for a raw material stemming from Africa. The industry promises to make progress in processing and refining cashew nuts - and answers to climate change

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Silicon Valley for Africa’s agricultural start-ups

Silicon Valley for Africa’s agricultural start-ups

A contribution by Michel Bernhardt (GIZ)

The project “Scaling digital agriculture innovations through start-ups” (SAIS) supports Africans going into business in the agricultural and food sector in scaling their digital innovations and thus reaching out to a larger number of users.

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"Soy can be made into more than just flour"

"Soy can be made into more than just flour"

A report by Johanna Steinkühler (GIZ)

The soybean is a natural crop that can be used to make a lot of food. So, Tata Bi started a small processing business first on her own, then with a few other women, which provides the women with an additional source of income year-round besides selling the soybeans.

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Reference values: A building block on the road to social equality

Reference values: A building block on the road to social equality

A contribution by Friederieke Martin (GIZ)

A quick and cost-effective method calculates living wages and incomes for many different countries. The GIZ together with Fairtrade International and Richard and Martha Anker have developed a tool that companies can use to easily analyse income and wage gaps.

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No dirty dealing

No dirty dealing

Von Marlis Lindecke

Shit Business is Serious Business: A successful cooperation between research and the private sector.

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Authors of this organisation

Björn Willms

Björn Willms

Björn Willms is communications advisor for the ‚Initiative for sustainable agricultural supply chains’ (INA) of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). Furthermore, he i spart of the secretariat of the ‚partnership for sustainable orange juice‘ (PANAO). Willms coordinates the working group ‚communications and fair trade‘ (AG Kommunikation Fairer Handel), initiated in 2020. Thus did he and his colleagues develop the joint communiqué #ichwillfair, promoting it successfully.

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David Brand

David Brand

David Brand is a consultant in the lab of tomorrow at the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Since 2019, he has advised project teams around the world on implementing lab of tomorrow processes to create market-based solutions to development challenges. Another focus of his work is the methodological development of the lab of tomorrow. He is a certified design thinking expert and studied sociology and management in Mannheim, Mexico City and Istanbul.

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Matthias Berthold

Matthias Berthold

Matthias Berthold is an advisor in the GIZ Sector Project Rural Development where he focuses on Food Loss & Waste and Water & Agriculture. Before his position in the sector project he worked in Egypt in the context of irrigated agriculture and cooperation with the private sector.

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Sebastian Köcke

Sebastian Köcke

Sebastian Köcke is a Junior Advisor for the GIZ in the Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector in Zambia. Prior to that he was part of the GIZ Sector Programme Sustainable Sanitation and worked as a project engineer in the German private sector.

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Claudia Witkowski

Claudia Witkowski

Claudia Witkowski is an Advisor in the GIZ Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector project in Zambia where she focuses on the development and impact evaluation of agricultural value chains.

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Dr. Natasha Mwila

Dr. Natasha Mwila

Dr. Natasha Mwila is a Senior Advisor in the GIZ Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector project in Zambia. Her focus is on sustainability and improved seed quality for soybean and groundnut value chains.

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Johannes Agbahey

Johannes Agbahey

Dr. Johanes Agbahey is agricultural economist. As advisor at the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, he is actively engaged in the development and management of projects based on requests from partner countries. His work contributes to improve agricultural policies and enhance intra-African trade.

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Florent Kossivi Tiassou

Florent Kossivi Tiassou

Florent Kossivi Tiassou is a Togolese-born journalist, trainer and consultant based in Bonn, Germany, who produces programmes and environment-related reports for "Deutsche Welle".As a trainer, he is specialised in the dissemination of best practice examples on climate change adaptation and sustainable land management (SLM) and was awarded with the Carl von Carlowitz Sustainability Award 2019/2020 by the "Senate of the Economy".

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Celia Dede d'Almeida

Celia Dede d'Almeida

Celia Dede d’ALMEIDA, is a Malian journalist, based in Bamako, Mali. She is Head of “ODEKA Media & Training” and editor of “”, information platform in Mali. For several years, Celia Dede has been working to train journalists. She is also a communications consultant.

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Johanna Steinkühler

Johanna Steinkühler

Johanna Steinkühler is an expert on the transformation of agricultural products and works for the GIZ in the Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector in Togo.

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Maria Schmidt

Maria Schmidt studied Political Science, focussing on development cooperation and policy analysis in sub-Saharan Africa early in her Franco-German studies at the Sciences Po Bordeaux Institute and University of Stuttgart. This led her first to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, then to the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Benin and, most recently, to the GIZ in Ghana. She has been working there for the ComCashew project since December 2015, and, within her advisory duties, is primarily involved with public partners in promoting the cashew value chain.

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Marlis Lindecke

Marlis Lindecke

Dr Marlis Lindecke heads GIZ’s Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development (BEAF) Programme, based in Bonn. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), she and her team manage the support to the international agricultural research centres of the global research partnership for a food-secure future (CGIAR), the World Vegetable Center (formerly AVRDC) and the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe). 

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